Why i Do Youtube

When i was younger, i was obsessed with making videos. Whether it was with my cousins, or on my own making music videos, i loved the idea that in 10 years time you could look back on them and re live all those memories.

Over the last few years i have messed around with the idea of youtube, and i have had a few channels which I’ve started then deleted. Most of the time its because I’m nervous of what other people will think of me, especially people from school if they found out. But now i have left school and started college, i decided to start a youtube again.

The course i have chosen to take at college is in TV and Film, so in a way it is related to youtube because you have to film and edit.

For some reason, i have an obsession with editing. Im always asked why i like it so much, to which i always respond “i don’t know”. I’m never sure why i like it so much! Maybe its the idea of making something yourself and making it your own by editing it certain ways. I love to see the end product too!

I also love fashion and makeup. Im always stalking peoples instagrams to find new outfit ideas, and makeup looks.

So to answer the question, why do i do youtube? I have decided to do youtube because i simply enjoy it.

I want to combine my love for editing, and makeup/fashion.

I hope to create content on my channel which can someday help people out, but also entertain!

I know this blog post was a little boring, but for my first one, i thought i would give you some background information on why i have started youtube.

Sophie xo